
  • 2021-02-04 13:32
  • 读后感
  • 作者:小编
  • 来源:网络





  When some people see the part between the manor and the Aijin Jane love Mr. Rochester slowly have feelings, but I love that part of Jane Eyre resolutely after walk away from Mr Rochester.


  In fact, the whole book through a main line, that is against the spirit of the heroine of fate, she initially against abuse her aunt cousin cousin, after having entered the labor ward She is also protested, in dealing with the unfair treatment, and the whole book is the climax of the mad woman finally exposed in front of her. Her against injustice, the essence of desire for equality to reach the highest point, this time to leave, is not the gas problem, but to overthrow her before the concept of love, and she was proposing fantasy countless happy marriage, can be said at this time, she is against her whole life.


  It was hard to give up all that, if not the courage that she was born with. So I like this part most, and in my opinion, this is the part of the book that highlights the most simple love character.



  Speaking of Jane, the most impressive, nature is her love story with Rochester. Jane is a family teacher's identity came to Rochester manor, but when she stood in front of the Luo master, she is not because he is a humble family ashamed of inferiority. On the contrary, she was talking and suzerain for different views and debate. Her integrity, her noble, pure, not received secular social pollution of the soul, into the life of Rochester, into his heart.


  These are two people with common ideas. They know each other, respect each other, and be equal to each other in the spirit. In the book, Jane for this sudden love can not conceal his surprise: "but our soul is equal, as if the two of us passed through the grave and stood at God's feet, equal to each other".


  The original story is the best ending, but their wedding day, Luo has a mad wife things such as the thunder, turn a blow. The pain she decided to leave, not just for the sake of Rhodes property, no entanglement, not all are condensed into the deep part.



  Jane. Love is the history of English literature as a classic legend as I read it.


  This book is mainly written by the heroine Jane. Love was an orphan from an early age. He was raised in his aunt's home and was treated and discriminated against. Because she was very rebellious from an early age, strong and stubborn. Later, she came to Thornfield Manor family teacher, her self-esteem, self-respect and confidence to win the respect and love of Rochester director mr.. They experienced a lot of setbacks and tribulations, and finally came together and lived a happy life.


  After reading it, I not only lamented that Jane Eyre was a great production. He is what I know about truth, goodness and beauty, how I behave, and I am shocked by the heroine Jane Eyre's independence and self striving spirit and her steadfast pursuit of independence and dignity. Jane is strong in the face of difficulties and setbacks, and at the same time, she is also so kind, tolerant, advanced, self - esteem and self - love. All this is so five people.


  Especially in the Book Jane Eyre to say a word, just because I'm plain, unknown to the public, as pour as a church mouse, tall and thin, with no soul, no heart you, you are wrong, I have as much soul as you, my heart like you full. For thousands of years, five drums have been trying to pursue their own happiness by the ininjustice of countless readers who are confident and strong against the society.



  I have recently read Jane Eyre, a very deep feeling.


  Masterpiece is indeed really extraordinary masterpiece. The heroine's independence and dignity gave me a great shock. She had not beautiful appearance, plain; no substantial property, lower class; no dependent and helpless. But she has an independent spirit, a strong will! This is her most valuable wealth!


  Her greatest touch was her strong and principled nature. This may Chinese culture, pay attention to "and" China, harmonious, easy-going, but also means the weakening of principle to a certain extent, too much emphasis on flexibility, but ignore the root. When Rochester and San John threw their Hydrangea to Jane and expressed their love, our Jane didn't agree, but Rochester's wife was still alive. St. John didn't love him at all. She expressed her own ideas bravely.


  It's my feeling to learn to say no. It may be difficult to say 'no', but behind it means dignity, which means strength.


  We saw a noble soul under the soft and weak appearance.


  《简爱》是英国作家夏洛蒂。勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte 1816——1855)的代表作。通过对孤女简爱坎坷不平的人生经历,成功地塑造了一个不安于现状,不甘受辱,敢于抗争的女性形象,反映一个平凡心灵的坦诚诉说,呼号和责难,一个小写的人成为一个大写的人的渴望。

  Jane Eyre is Charlotte, a British writer. The representative work of Bront (Charlotte Bronte 1816 - 1855). The orphan Jane rough experience, successfully created a restless, not humiliated, dare to fight the female image, reflecting an ordinary candid mind telling, call sign and censure, a lowercase people desire to become a capital of the people.


  The history of Jane Eyre's growth, suffering and unequal companionship. She grew up without parents, living in my aunt Mrs. Reed. The aunt selfishly took her as a burden, spoil her children and wantonly abuse her. She was treated unfairly at a very young age, John, a four year old cousin. Reed abused her, beat her, and aunt Reed hated her and punished her.


  But childhood Jane Eyre is stubborn, she did not succumb to Mrs. Reed's despotic power, but always show their own independent rebellious character. As in this situation, and bully John than her big 4. Reed fought, of course, the result was madly retaliated by Mrs. Reed, and she was left alone in a dark red house, causing severe trauma to her mind.



  When I got the book of Jane Eyre, it was the first feeling that it was very thin. It's so thin, but it contains so much.


  The author is Charlotte. Bront, who had experienced several setbacks, had prompted her to devote herself to the path of literary creation. Jane in the article. Love is like an author. Jane. Love is a strong, simple, rigid, flexible, independent, aggressive woman.


  The book describes Jane's fate, but at the end she has a good ending, and she gets a legacy. To be with your beloved.


  Jane Eyre has been talking about a theme: the value of human beings is made up of dignity and love. The style is concise, simple and vivid. This is also a reason why the article looks very short, but it reads a lot.


  The author also has some other works, such as the teacher. We can take a book in quiet time and read it quietly.



  Today, I read Jane Eyre.


  The article mainly said that Jane, who was born poor, had been humiliated from an early age, but she was strong in completing her studies. After being a family teacher, there is a relationship with the employer. Jane suddenly found his wife alive, went away. Later, the employer was blind, and she came back to him.


  I think the aunts who used to bully and humiliate Jane's love were too wicked! When she and her children to enjoy the happiness of a family union, will give Jane a meal, and she was kept in the dark house. The children of my aunt could scold her with all his love. When Jane was criticized, he had to pour oil on the fire. She is too vicious.


  Remember to read a story before: a father kept scolding his children and beat the child all over. Finally, the neighbour found the dying child and sent him to ICU. The child's father is too wicked! He's going to scold the child and make a personal attack on him! Never mind the idea of a child, causing great physical and mental harm to him!


  In a word, we can't abuse people at will, and we can't make personal attacks on people.



  This holiday, I read "Jane Eyre", and produced a lot of feelings.


  Charlotte Bronte, the author of Jane Eyre, lost her mother from childhood. She had no motherly love and poor family, and her appearance was so plain that she had a strong self-esteem. And Jane's love, like the author himself, is also a person with a strong sense of pride.


  Jane Eyre was born in a poor family. She lost her parents from childhood, and grew up with her aunt. Aunt was very disgusted with herself and often insulted Jane Eyre. Through this, Jane Eyre formed a spirit of perseverance, patience, and hard pursuit of his dreams. By chance, Jane went to a very poor school to start his study career. And she through advertising, she became a governess in thornfield. Her bluntness, not because of low identity, felt inferiority complex, deeply attracted to Rochester, quickly falling in love.


  But at their wedding, she learned that there was a wife in Rochester and she chose to leave. In the closing part, though Rochester's manor was destroyed, he himself became a handicap, but it was just such a condition that made Jane Eyre no longer be in contradiction between dignity and love, but at the same time gained his dignity and true love.


  "Jane Eyre" show to us is a recover the original simplicity, pay a whole hearted pursuit of love, there should be dignity as a person.



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