
  ◆我是星,你是月,没有你我没法过;你是山,我是水,没有你我不美;你是树,我是花,除了你我不嫁◆我就像你的巧克力,在你的口中被融化。也许爱情就是这么简单,只是一个眼神,一个动作,但那一瞬间,空气中的确溢满了爱的味道◆你不知道我在想你,是因为你不爱我,我明明知道你不想我,却还爱你,是我因为我太傻。也许有时候,逃避不是因为害怕去面对是什么,而是在等待什么~~◆任性,代表她爱着你。如果不爱你,她完全可以把你当作空气。 任性,代表着她相信你。如果不爱你,她完全可以对你不要求太多。 因为她爱你,所以她选择任性地

  对你。◆走的再远,也只是在你眼神的余光中徘徊...◆让含苞待放的爱情在未成熟之前嘎然而止。。。◆你知不知道 最喜欢你笑 想每天逗你笑 跟你在一起的时间太少 只想你对我撒娇 让你依靠 对你温柔对你好 让你甜蜜让你笑 因为你是我的宝 全世界你最重要◆如果可以 我想 没心没肺的大笑 然后 歇斯底里的哭泣


  A I'm star, you are not you, I can't, You are mountain, I was water, without you, I don't beauty. You are trees, I be a flower, but you don't marry meA I like you, in your mouth chocolate is melting. Maybe love is so simple, just one look, an action, but that moment, the air is full of love indeedA: don't you know that I miss you, because you don't love me, I know you don't want me, but I still love you, because I was too stupid. Maybe sometimes, not because what is fear to face, but waiting for what ~ ~A willful representatives, she loves you. If you love, she could give you as air. Willfulness, representing her believe you. If you love her, you can ask too much. Because she loves you, so she chose capricious ground

  For you.Should go farther, also only in your eyes wander along...Aiming at the bridal let love before the immature grinding halt...A: do you know the most like you laugh every day to make you laugh with you for my little time just want to let you rely on you act in pettish to you let your gentle sweet make you laugh because you are my treasure your most important worldIf you can, I think should laugh hysterically plankton and weep

  Should we think of learning to forget!A heart knows many things only, afraid, until the heart that dream was finished, even until the dream is finished, the empty heart...



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