

  Ali is moving on in this world for a long long time even cross over dreams. No matter how long the journey is, how dark during the night, from the bottom of his heart there are his parants warmly accompany.


  Holding you in my arms and falling asleep just like holding Major J-Notturno. My breath is full of sapidity of yours. How deep your dream is as if your will never wake up again and it is called fate.


  I belive in fairy tales, the prince and the princess were living in the golden castle blissfully and guarding their love. Elfs in the world was watching us form the darkness, I standed in the rye, violent sneezed, golden poppled.


  Does this world exist if we fell in love with the someone we should not have?Is it a joke that god and devil makes if I loved you.


  Beauteous white roses are blooming peacefully in the wizard's secret garden. Someone could hear the voice of blooming whilst someone might see the sequel of fading.据说这个世界上,有一个爱情的循环,只能看到开头,却看不到结束,有人想开始,有人却想结束。据说,都是这样的..

  It was said there is a circulation of love in this world, the only thing can be seen is the beginning but no ending. Someone wants to make a start whereas someone wants to finish. It is all like that.http://阿狸几乎能学会所有,他是如此的聪明,他是那么的可爱,但是总也有学不会的事情,上帝是最公平的.

  Ali is thus smart and adorable that he could learn the most of things. However, not everthing as the god is the most fairest.



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